
  1. Click here to download the .crt file.
  2. Open “Manage user certificates.”
  3. Right click and select “Install Certificate”
  4. Certificate Import Wizard Steps:
    • Select “Current User”
    • Select “Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate.”
    • Click Finish
  5. You should now see the “InCommon RSA Server CA 2” entry in the Certificates folder of the Intermediate Certification Authorities dropdown.
  6. You should now be able to access your Citrix lab.


  1. Click here to download the .cert file.
  2. Open the “Keychain Access” app.
  3. Double click on the certificate file that you downloaded and it should be added to the login section of Keychain Access.
  4. If double clicking on the certificate file does not work, you can manually add it to the login section by dragging the file from Downloads to Keychain Access.
  5. You should now have access to your Citrix lab.