Capstone Experience

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Partner with Capstone Experience-click for more information about partnering with CapstoneEach academic year, industrial engineering seniors participate in the Industrial Engineering Capstone Experience as part of teams of four or five students. Every student pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Analytics at the University of Arkansas is required to complete the two-semester course sequence. Richard Cassady, university professor of industrial engineering, coordinates the Industrial Engineering Capstone Experience courses. The teams are matched with an industry partner and led by a student team leader.

In the fall semester, teams begin by getting to know their industry partner and the issues motivating the project. Students perform preliminary analysis and define objectives for their spring semester work. In the spring semester, the teams apply their industrial engineering and operations analytics skills to achieve their project objectives. They assess the potential impact of their work and create the deliverables that their industry partner need to implement their work.

The teams present their work at the Capstone Symposium in the spring, just before graduation. Industry partners and faculty mentors are recognized for their support of teams, and top teams and students receive awards in several categories.